We have to say, before Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 rolls out, Samsung Exynos 7420 is still the most powerful chipset for smart phones. As the 14nm process, its performance and power consumption control is much better its competitors. Till now, Qualcomm and Samsung have taken nearly all the high end smart phone market. But recently, news from
suverimax.com, LG will launch its second generation Nuclun processor.
Peopel has shared the information of this LG Nuclun 2 processor. As the testing result, the performance of its single thread and multi threads is better than Samsung Exynos 7420. This LG Nuclun adopts four 2.1 GHz ARM Cortex A72 and four 1.5GHz ARM Cortex A53, better than Samsung Exynos 7420 which owns four 2.1GHz Cortex A57 and four 1.5GHz ARM Cortex A53. This LG Nuclun will adopt 16nm process from TSMC.
Of course, it does not mean anything, maybe when this LG Nuclun 2 is adopted by smart phones, its performance may be that good. Till now, there is little information about this processor, especially, we don't know anything about its GPU. More important, as it adopts the 16nm process from TSMC, that means we can only see this processor at year end, or early next year.
In fact, LG has adopted its first generation Nuclun processor on its LG G3 Screen smart phone. But its performance is not so satisfying.
So which one will be the most powerful cihpset for smart phones, Qualcomm Snapdragon 820, Samsung Exynos 7420 or LG Nuclun 2.