
Google Android Brillo OS launched

Now, IoT and smart household are the hot area, recently, Google launched a new operation system, coded Project Brillo.

This operation system is developed based on Android, with highly simplified. It can support Wifi and Bluetooth. It is called as one end-end operation system, but how this Android Brillio will be added into devices.

In meanwhile, Google also introduced one communication layer, called Weave. It can allow devices in the IoT to communicate with each other. All the devices use the same languages. So what is the purpose of this function. We can take a simple example. When you close the door, the air conditioners at home will know about it, and turn off power.

The preview edition for developers of this Android Brillo OS will be available at 3rd quarter of this year. Weave will be available in the 4th quarter of this year.

