
Intel is developing 7nm processor

Now the process technology for semi conductor has no improvement. But, Intel is still trying to improve the process technology by its powerful engineering capacity. Though, Intel has already launched its latest 14nm chipset, it is trying to work on the 7nm technology.

As Mark from Intel said, now Intel is developing 7nm technology, till today, there is no EUV can make it.

During recent decade, though we have a big improvement on process technology of semi conduct, but EUV technology has little improvement. It is the core of semi conductor.

Intel tells EUV technology is difficult to be adopted on 10nm process technology, no speaking of 7nm. But there are still a lot of expectation on it.

Intel did not disclose how to realize 7nm or 10nm process without EUV.

At the end of 2015, some of Intel's OEM supplier will try the new 10nm process technology. That means the 10nm processor may have to delay to 2016, and 7nm processor will be in 2018.

